Give yourself

Personal evolution interactions facilitated in the presence of horses.
In a protected and safe space, you will learn awareness and presence practices by connecting with horses. You will be guided to observe and explore your behaviors and your mental, emotional and physical state. You will have direct experiences of how you are and how you respond to life. You will recognize forgotten resources that you will use to discover new perspectives to face every moment of your life with confidence and courage. Only you can choose. My horses and I can support you in taking the first step towards awareness.

When you can't walk, let me help you run.
When you are afraid, let me teach you about trust.
When you are weak, let me help you find strength.
When you can't find your voice, let us communicate without words.
When you want to let go, let me show you how far you can go.




A few years ago, comparing myself to my horse pushed me to seek the truth: how am I really doing? What's wrong with me?
I started looking and found a guide and a path that required me to address two fundamental issues: self-awareness and responsibility for my life.
A journey began that led me to feel that we all deserve to rediscover ourselves as unique and to live free from conditioning.
Now, together with my horses, I would like to share my personal experience and the professional skills acquired in England, with those who feel the need to live courageously and joyfully in harmony with themselves and with the world.
I feel that returning the presence, attention and love I have received gives meaning to the journey I have begun and enriches every step I continue to take.



If you feel blocked and confused, overwhelmed by emotions that you cannot name and only we know what direction to give to your life, know that you can ask for help and find a space of support, listening and discussion in which to start moving the first steps towards awareness of you. With the strong and silent presence of horses, I teach you to experiment with awareness practices through personal, group sessions or active and moving meditation meetings that teach us to be conscious witnesses of everything that happens in us in the present moment, without exclusion , without likes and dislikes. You will not have the anxiety of reaching the goal of changing, healing, mortifying yourself. You will simply learn to BE. You will begin to be attentive and observe in the present moment the movement of what happens in you and around you: thoughts, sensations, tensions, blocks, emotions... This is the way horses live: in the here and now they don't want TO BECOME, I simply AM. In their energy field we absorb this natural attitude which then becomes for us a daily practice of knowledge, acceptance, calm, serenity and silence.

For adults, teenagers and children.

"I will not answer your questions.
I will leave you free to BE
This is what I can give you: love."


Interaction activities with horses are experiential practices that present themselves as immediate support when we feel that we cannot face moments of uncertainty and difficulty alone. The main tool for creating learning and achieving greater self-awareness is the development of an empathetic relationship with the horse.
Horses are not healers, they are not magical, they are not moved by the intention of saving us. They are instinctive, sensitive animals who live in the present moment. It is enough to simply watch in silence to notice that in reality the observation is directed towards ourselves, towards our emotional world and towards our automatic reactions. These animals are a wonderful tool that teaches us the practice of awareness with which we learn to include every part of us and be solely responsible for what happens within us and outside of us.
Alongside the horses, we have new experiences of ourselves which we can then reproduce in our daily lives, thus becoming the only actors in our lives, free to be unique and true beyond conflicts, fears and tensions.




Incontri personali in cui protetti dal solo confronto con i cavalli, sarai facilitato ad osservare come rispondi alle sfide quotidiane, alle difficoltà che ti bloccano e alle emozioni che ti travolgono e non sai nominare.


Percorsi motivazionali e di team building volti a sviluppare la leadership, la relazione tra i singoli, il lavoro di squadra, la condivisione di competenze e ruoli, la valorizzazione delle risorse del singolo nel gruppo, la comunicazione efficace, la capacità di vivere lo stress e i cambiamenti in un ottica di sviluppo di intelligenza emotiva e sociale.


Stress, pressione, insicurezza, incapacità di trovare motivazioni, interessi e stabilire contatto fisico ed emotivo limitano e bloccano la naturale espressione di sentimenti e pensieri di bambini e adolescenti che sono sempre più chiusi in se stessi.


Percorsi studiati ad hoc con gli insegnanti per sostenere i ragazzi nei momenti di difficoltà e guidarli nello sviluppo di intelligenza emotiva che li prepari ad affrontare le sfide quotidiane a scuola e a casa in un percorso di crescita armonioso, in cui fiducia e ascolto sono i pilastri che sostengono le singole esperienze.


Pratiche di consapevolezza attraverso meditazioni attive e in movimento che ci insegnano a essere consapevoli testimoni di tutto ciò che accade in noi nel momento presente, senza esclusione, senza mi piace e non mi piace.


Lascio il bagaglio che mi limita, non escludo nulla di me, degli altri, della vita. Ho in me infinite possibilità, ho nuove prospettive e spazio che mi rendono vivo, curioso, leggero e con il sorriso. Ne faccio l'esperienza che riporto con me nella vita di tutti i giorni.


I am the first in Italy to graduate in England with the "Level 4 Equine Facilitated Practitioner Diploma" at the Athena Herd Foundation UK, recognized by ACCPH Int.
I am a parentAbiliter® consultant at parentAbility.
Equicoach accredited by the Emotional Equitation Center®Equus method, a life that changes® 2nd Level in Italy.
I work as a horse coach and tutor near Como and in the province of Milan and Pavia.

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