Give yourself a chance


I can't heal you because you're not ill.
I can stand by your side in silent lovingness.

I can't change you because you are not wrong.
I can help you to find the resources that support you on your journey of self-discovery.

I can't transform you because you are right the way you are.
I can offer you the tools to free yourself from the conditionings that limit the truest expression of yourself.

I can't make you better or different.
I can hold your hand and help you to discover that you are unique and that you have just unlearned how to recognize yourself.

I can't show you the way, because only you can know which one is right for you.
I can make you feel that you are not alone in every step along the way and I will be with you as long as you need to.

I can't save you because I'm not you.
I can share my journey and my experiences because, like you, I felt confused, I sought help and found someone who supported and guided me.

Together with my horses I can make you live new experiences of yourself and experiment new strategies with which you respond to life's challenges. You will find the right support in yourself, you will rediscover your authenticity and you will experience the joy of being yourself.


1. Come mai questo lavoro con i cavalli?
Perché tutti abbiamo il diritto di avere una possibilità. Perché nei momenti bui e difficili possiamo scoprire nuove consapevolezze e prospettive che ci aiutano a vivere più sereni.

2. Cosa fai?
Voglio creare un luogo dove tu ti senti accolto, visto, ascoltato amato.
Io, con l'aiuto dei miei cavalli, possiamo sostenerti quando ti senti bloccato, disorientato, confuso e ti accompagnamo nel viaggio alla scoperta delle tue qualità e risorse nascoste, grazie alle quali riuscirai a vivere con chiarezza e leggerezza allineato ai tuoi bisogni.

3. Perché lo fai?
Perché ho trovato chi mi ha sostenuta e guidata quando ne ho avuto bisogno e sento che restituire la presenza, l'attenzione e l'amore che ho ricevuto dia significato al cammino che ho iniziato per me e arricchisca ogni passo che continuo a fare.

Ciascuno di noi si merita la possibilità di riscoprirsi unico, coraggioso, forte, al di là dei giudizi e condizionamenti e di vivere consapevolmente in armonia con se stesso e con il mondo. 


I believe we all have the right to have a chance. Because in dark and difficult moments we can discover new awareness and perspectives that help us to live more serenely. This is the reason why I want to create a place where you feel welcomed, seen, listened to, loved.
I, with the help of my horses, can support you when you feel stuck, disoriented, confused and can accompany you on the journey to discover your hidden qualities and resources, thanks to which you will be able to live clearly and lightly in line with your needs.
I've found someone who has supported and guided me when I've needed it and I feel that giving back the presence, attention and love I've received, gives meaning to the path I've started for me and enriches every step I continue to take.
Each of us deserves the opportunity to rediscover ourselves as unique, courageous, strong, beyond judgments and conditionings and to consciously live in harmony with ourselves and with the world.


I am the first in Italy to have graduated as Equine Facilitated Practitioner in England at Athena Herd Foundation UK, a diploma recognized by ACCPH Int. Accredited councellors, coaches, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist – UK.
I integrate this knowledge and professional experience gained abroad with the skills acquired as a result of the Equicoach diploma accredited by the Emotional Equitation Center® Equus method a life that changes® 2nd Level in Italy.
I am responsible for Activities in Digital Pet registered in the National platform for IAA - interventions assisted with animals.
My expertise as a Facilitator in evolutionary disciplines is recognized in Italy by Aide Italia – Associazione Italiana Discipline Evolutive®
As a ParentAbiliter I propose and maintain relational courses for families for Parentability®. I work as a Horse coach and tutor near Como and in the provinces of Milan and Pavia. Professional activity carried out pursuant to Law 4 of 14 January 2013, Italy.


The path develops in 6 stages that explore the main themes of this journey of personal evolution.


We all deserve to live in serenity, to know that we can choose to transform ourselves and our lives and that we can ask for the support we need to take the first step out of stagnant situations.


I learn to feel my body, my emotions, my thoughts. I give myself attention and observe what happens in me and around me. Without judgment, the horses support me and guide me to connect with myself. I find silence and peace.


My body talks, where am I right now? The horse responds to my presence, and how do I, in this moment, respond to my emotions, to life, to others?


How can I regulate my energy without being overwhelmed by it to have clarity in me? The horse regulates its energy and returns calm to the present moment. And I? Breathing and releasing with a fluid movement I leave space for awareness and I include all that is here and now.


Without judgment and exclusion, I am aware of what is in me, light and shadow. I am open, I am attentive and I learn to respond to life in my uniqueness and to be responsible for myself and my choices. I am as I am, you are as you are, the world is as it is.


I leave the baggage that limits me, I don't exclude anything about myself, about others, about life. I have infinite possibilities within me, I have new perspectives and space that make me alive, curious, light and smiling. I make the experience and I carry it with me in everyday life.


I don’t care for your opinions
And mine either.
I don’t care if we agree or disagree.
I don’t care who is right
And who is wrong.
If anyone at all.
I don’t care where you are going.
Or I am going,
If anywhere at all.
I don’t care for your past.
And don’t care for mine either.

Can we look into each other’s eyes
Without veils and protection?

Can we wait patiently for each other?
Can we recognize the beauty
And the goodness

That you are
That I am?

Avikal Costantino


Marina Primavera e Davide Rizza for photos and video

Emanuele Tunesi for my horse wellbeing

Fabio Ronchetti breeding delle Fontanelle who welcomed and gave me a home